Fertiliser Bacteria from BioIQ

Each bacillus bacteria serves a purpose in the BioIQ fertiliser range and here is a summary for you.
BioIQ and the B5 range of Bacillus Bacteria
Bacillus megaterium has a strong ability to decompose lecithin, calcium phosphate and phosphor tricalcium. The bacteria changes animal and plant remains in the soil into phosphorus salt and those minerals are readily available for fast uptake for plants to use for healthy growth.
Bacillus megaterium main strength is to releases phosphorus locked-up in the soil for increased and healthy plant growth.
Phosphorus is one of the three major or primary nutrients for plants that were originally rich in the soil. However, most agricultural soils have a lack of phosphorus nutrients because the element is mostly in the organic state which is hardly dissolved and remains as an inorganic substance.

Coupled with this is the practice of using phosphate fertilisers in large amounts in search of high yields. This leads to more phosphorus compounds sitting undissolved in the soil. The bacillus bacteria in BioIQ products, with its phosphorus decomposing effect, promote the dissolvability of the inorganic elements that are often already sitting in the soils after heavy over fertilisation which can readily be absorbed by plants.
Bacillus mucilaginosus is a silicate bacterium. Silicate bacteria are special in the soil as they decompose any potassium minerals, release potassium, and boast a reaction with nitrogen.
The level of potassium can be raised by 33-34% as the bacteria improves the quick-acting phosphate and potassium in soil, thus raising yield and quality as one of the most important elements in microbial fertilisers.
The bacteria metabolise and cause the production of organic acids, amino acids, amylose, and hormones for plant utilisation. Meanwhile, the reproduction of the bacteria also suppresses pathogenic cells.
Bacillus subtilis is known for its capacity to multiply quickly in the soil and form a tough, protective endospore, allowing the organisms to tolerate extreme environmental conditions.
It is the major bacillus that decomposes animal and plant remains into available nitrogen in the soil. These bacteria live within specialized nodules on the root systems of plants, where they process atmospheric nitrogen into a form available for the plants to use.
The key benefit of bacillus subtillis is its ability to free up soil nutrients in both soil and air for plant use.
It has a strong capacity to produce proteinase, diastase and pectase which are useful to cement plant cells together. It is also known as an antagonistic organism against plant pathogens combining with Bacillusthuriengensis to suppress plant pests and pathogens.
Bacillus licheniformis This facultative anaerobe bacteria proliferates in soil and is capable of decomposing protein and lignin into provide nutrition for plants in forms such as amino acids.
It can effectively decompose organic matter in the soil and thereby provides nutrition for the growth of plants.
Brevibacillus laterosporus This bacterium has bio-pesticidal potential to attack insects in different orders including Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and against nematodes and molluscs.
In addition to its pathogenicity against invertebrates, different B.laterosporus strains show a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity including activity against phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi.
BT with Abalone
We now produce a separate bacillus fertiliser to combat earth mites, beetle, and crickets.

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) produces growth promoting metabolites (IAA producing bacteria) which stimulate and facilitate plant growth, solubilising phosphate and making it plant available. It not only solubilises phosphorus, but also mobilises its organic form through mineralization (enzymatic hydrolysis) and facilitates the translocation of phosphate directly to the plant through the roots.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) combats the effects of pathogens and soil disease and is toxic to insects and immature insect larvae. BT is also a highly effective pasture and plant fertiliser.

BioIQ was born out of an ambition to reduce the use of synthetic chemical fertilisers and improve soil health, migrating farmers and agribusinesses to programs more sustainable and safer to use.
Robert Rushford and Mike Tyrrell offer a new plant nutrition solution that provides regenerative and all natural solutions for farmers, land managers [and homeowners] to improve the health of the planet through scientific innovation.
BioIQ is made for Farmers and Land Managers … A leader in fertiliser and soil technology.
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